Service Description
Acupuncture is a very safe and effective modality. It focuses on returning the body to a balanced state, in order to restore its natural flow of energy (Qi) and facilitate healing. All acupuncture treatments begin with a quick interview, observation of the tongue, and palpation of the pulse. This allows for a diagnosis and treatment plan to be made using the Traditional Chinese Medicine approach. At this point, the patient will lay comfortably on the massage table and fine, single use, sterile packaged needles will be placed at various locations along the body. There may be a heavy or achy sensation with the needles, but there shouldn't be any pain. The needles will be left in place for about 20 minutes while the patients rests on the table. Other modalities such as moxa, cupping, gua sha, and tui na may be applied as needed during this treatment. Chinese herbs may also be recommended.
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule, please contact us 24 hours in advance. If you can't make it, send a friend or loved one. Everyone can use some acupuncture! :)
Contact Details
700 North Country Club Road, Tucson, AZ, USA